Welcome to the Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) version of TOGAF 9. Eclipse Process Framework is a powerful tool for authoring and publishing methods. It is a
free, open-source tool based on the industry standard Software Process Engineering Metamodel (SPEM). The EPF version of TOGAF 9 is supplied in
both a published and a source format. The published version is a static html website that can be installed on any
computer by extracting the zip file. The source format is supplied as an EPF method plugin, which can be loaded
in the EPF tool and then edited.
The content within the EPF tool is taken directly from the TOGAF9 specification. However, EPF uses structured
content, rather than the un-structured content found in the standard html and PDF versions of TOGAF. The major
advantages of a structured content approach are as follows:
The EPF tool has specific constructs for tasks and steps, allowing them to be formally defined with related
content, such as inputs, outputs, roles and responsibilities. EPF automatically generates consistent
cross-referencing, for example, between a deliverable and the phase that creates that deliverable.
The EPF tool has a supporting editor, allowing a user of TOGAF to make changes to the standard TOGAF framework
content, tailoring it to their specific organizational context. EPF supports group editing, versioning, etc,
using an underlying content management system.
The EPF tool has a plug-in architecture that allows new content packages to be created and linked to TOGAF.
This, for example, would allow an organization to develop a set of document templates within a standalone plugin
and then add a link to the relevant template within each of the standard TOGAF deliverables
The EPF version of TOGAF 9 was created by Mike Turner of Capgemini. Many thanks to Chris Armstrong of Amstrong
Process Group for additional review on the use of the SPEM metamodel to support TOGAF. Additional thanks to
Andrew Josey of the Open Group for content review and support with Open Group processes and procedures.
Using Eclipse Process Framework
The TOGAF9 for EPF software is supplied as an Eclipse Process Framework Method Plugin. To get started, you will
need to complete the following steps:
1: Download the Method Plugin and extract to a directory.
The download is available here
The EPF download
is subject to this license.
2: Download and install EPC Composer from http://www.eclipse.org/epf/downloads/downloads.php
(TOGAF9 for EPF was created in version, but the Method Plugin is likely to work in any newer version of EPF).
3: Open EPF and create a new Method Library
4: Import the TOGAF9 Method Plugin