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San Francisco, CA - May 18, 2005 - Members of the international IT security pressure group, Jericho Forum, gathered in Cincinnati, OH on Thursday, May 5 thru Friday, May 6 in order to make further progress with their Vision and Mission ( by engaging more US-based corporations.

A striking outcome of the meeting was a plea for organizations to accept the fact that their information security perimeter has already gone, and for Chief Information Security Officers to collaborate on the development of a security architecture and design approach that the Jericho Forum calls "de-perimeterization".

Presenters from a diverse range of industries, represented by Boeing, Procter & Gamble, BP, and Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, described their efforts to work with the vendor community to achieve open standards that will enable secure, Boundaryless Information Flow™ across organizations.

They claim that the need for such standards has been growing for many years as organizations seek to exploit the business potential of the Internet, while at the same time tackling the increasing problem of the disappearing perimeter.

Also, they believe that over the next few years, as technology and business continue to align closer to an open, Internet-driven networked world, the current security mechanisms that protect business information will not scale to meet the increasing volumes of transactions and data of the future.

They are calling for a new approach; to move from the traditional network perimeter down to the individual networked computers and devices - and ultimately to the level of the data being sent over the networks. This process has been described as "re-perimeterization" followed by ultimate "de-perimeterization".

"The meeting in Cincinnati demonstrated the high level of interest amongst North American organisations for the Jericho Forum's vision, and that the issues raised are of global concern. Many US representatives are actively developing products and standards relevant to the Jericho Forum, so I'm looking forward to a fruitful collaboration," said Andrew Yeomans of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, a Europe-based investment bank with international reach.

"I was delighted that our first open meeting in the US brought together such a large and balanced mix of both end customers and vendors, members and non-members; all of whom universally confirmed the relevance of the Jericho Forum vision", said Paul Dorey of BP.

"We got to grips with some hard questions during the meeting, including how vendors could help their customers break out of narrow security implementations to unprecedented wide-scale security", said Ian Dobson, The Open Group's forum director.

Achievements to date include delivery of outline scenarios, from which the Jericho Forum has derived a list of essential technologies and standards that are sufficiently available to be defined as part of the Jericho solution space within the next six months, and a second list of required technologies that will take longer to define because of a lack of mature open standards or proven technology solutions.

About the Jericho Forum

The Jericho Forum aims to drive and influence development of security standards that will meet future business needs for secure Information and Communications Technology (ICT). These standards will facilitate the secure interoperation of ICT to support collaboration and commerce over open networks, within and between organizations, based on a security architecture and design approach entitled de-perimeterization. Globally, more than fifty blue-chip user organizations, from all sectors, are working together in order to find a solution and numerous security product suppliers keen to understand the problem space have joined them. The Open Group hosts the Jericho Forum.

About The Open Group

The Open Group is a vendor-neutral and technology-neutral consortium, which drives the creation of Boundaryless Information Flow- that will enable access to integrated information within and between enterprises based on open standards and global interoperability. The Open Group works with customers, suppliers, consortia and other standard bodies. Its role is to capture, understand and address current and emerging requirements, establish policies and share best practices; to facilitate interoperability, develop consensus, and evolve and integrate specifications and open source technologies; to offer a comprehensive set of services to enhance the operational efficiency of consortia; and to operate the industry's premier certification service. Further information on The Open Group can be found at

Note to editors: Boundaryless Information Flow is a trademark of The Open Group.

Media contact:
Eva Kostelkova
The Open Group
+1 415 374-8280

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