Press Releases
San Francisco, CA, February 23, 2003
- The Open Group announced that Alan Doniger, Chief Technology
Officer for Petrotechnical Open Standards Consortium (POSC)
and one of the current Customer Council representatives to
The Open Group Governing Board, has been elected as the new
Chair of the Governing Board. The Governing Board also elected
three new Vice-Chairs: Dr. James Bell, Director of Standards
and Industry Initiatives, Hewlett Packard Company; Elaine
Babcock, Chief of the Standards Integration Division, Defense
Information Systems Agency (DISA); and William Estrem, the
Honeywell Professor of Global Technology Management, College
of Business, University of Saint Thomas. Like Doniger, both
Babcock and Estrem are elected to the Governing Board as representatives
of the Customer Council.
The Open Group’s Governing Board provides leadership
and overall strategic direction, working with the organization’s
management team on the execution of the strategy. The Governing
Board is comprised of representatives of sponsor companies,
the Customer and Supplier Councils, the President and CEO
of The Open Group, and the Corporate Secretary. Each Governing
Board member is elected to a two-year term.
The Open Group is a vendor-neutral and technology-neutral
consortium, whose vision of Boundaryless Information Flow™
will enable access to integrated information within and between
enterprises based on open standards and global interoperability.
The Open Group works with customers, suppliers, consortia
and other standard bodies. Its role is to capture, understand
and address current and emerging requirements, establish policies
and share best practices; to facilitate interoperability,
develop consensus, and evolve and integrate specifications
and open source technologies; to offer a comprehensive set
of services to enhance the operational efficiency of consortia;
and to operate the industry’s premier certification
Boundaryless Information Flow is a
trademark of The Open Group.