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The Open Group Releases DRDA V3 Technical Standard

The latest version of the DRDA standard provides enhanced security and reliability

San Francisco, CA – February 26, 2004 – The Open Group announced the release of the Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) version 3 Technical Standard, which defines specifications for communications between application environment and relational database management systems (RDBMS). DRDA version 3 extends specifications set in version 2, delivers improved platform-independent SQL functionality and connectivity for JDBC and ODBC drivers, and provides enhanced security and reliability.

“Our members consider secure seamless database interoperability across platforms and systems to be critical, and an important step in achieving their vision of Boundaryless Information Flow™,” said Allen Brown, President and CEO of The Open Group. “The new security enhancements in DRDA V3 will be of particular interest to companies that use DBMS from multiple vendors and want to set a higher level of trust for their clients.”

“We are very interested in deploying products that will support the DRDA V3 standard,” said Bob Perih, First Vice President, Database Systems, Citigroup. “Tight security is always a top priority in financial services, and the addition of data stream encryption fills a key requirement for us.”

DRDA 3 enhanced security and reliability features include:

  • Better diagnostics provided by database servers to application servers, including the ability to identify where in the network a request failed
  • SSL support for complete data privacy or sensitive data encryption
  • Kerberos authentication support, where the Kerberos principal for the database server generates an encrypted Kerberos 5 ticket to authenticate the end user associated with the application server
  • Full exploitation of XA (Distributed Transaction Processing) interface to allow multiple applications to share resources across multiple database servers, and allow their work to be coordinated into global transactions; this support can be used to support JTA/JTS distributed transactions
  • Enables the application server to ask the database server to return the elapsed time used to process a request, by requesting it to be monitored.
  • Ability to pass the ARM correlator as described in the Application Response Measurement API, and bindings for "C", and Java, designed to measure the response time and status of transactions executed by application software
  • Application server fail-over to a backup database server
Enhanced functionality also includes new commands to improve SQL package management, ability to interrupt a long running SQL request at a database server, more descriptive information returned for SQL statements executed at a database server, support for forward and backward scrolling SQL cursors at a database server, SQL query updates against a database server, support for long SQL identifiers and long package names, support for SQL array processing for input and output data objects, and better control of SQL queries and result sets.

DRDA version 3 is published as a 3-volume set: Volume 1, C043: Distributed Relational Database Architecture, Volume 2, C044: Formatted Data Object Content Architecture, and Volume 3, C045: Distributed Data Management Architecture. It replaces DRDA version 2 standard (C911, C912, C913), which was published in December 1999 and which is now deprecated. DRDA version 3 is publicly available at

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The Open Group is a vendor-neutral and technology-neutral consortium, whose vision of Boundaryless Information Flow™ will enable access to integrated information within and between enterprises based on open standards and global interoperability. The Open Group works with customers, suppliers, consortia and other standard bodies. Its role is to capture, understand and address current and emerging requirements, establish policies and share best practices; to facilitate interoperability, develop consensus, and evolve and integrate specifications and open source technologies; to offer a comprehensive set of services to enhance the operational efficiency of consortia; and to operate the industry’s premier certification service.

Boundaryless Information Flow is a trademark of The Open Group in the U.S. and other countries.

Media contact:
Eva Kostelkova
The Open Group
+1 415 374-8280

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