![Newsroom](/images2/newsroom-main.jpg) |
- December 1, 2008 - eWeek
Opening up on standards (Click on Contents, scroll down menu to Interview)
- November 24, 2008
Hot tech certifications in a cool job market
- November 19, 2008 - ebizQ SOA in Action Blog
SOA in Action! Today!
- November 13, 2008 - ZDNet: Service-Oriented
SOA’s ‘decline’ may be overstated, but companies still want results
- November 12, 2008
SOA part of the enterprise architecture, or does it replace it?
- November 6, 2008 - SearchSOA.com
Podcast: SearchSOA tips on software architect skills
- November 5, 2008 - ITWeb
From Hype to Enlightenment
- October 28, 2008 - SearchSOA.com
Domain bridging, skills of abstraction define the software architect
- October 23, 2008 - IT Business Edge: Archi-TECH
A Framework for Enterprise Architectures
- October 16, 2008 - SC Magazine
Taking the risk out of IT risk management
- October 14, 2008 -BPM
Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)”
- October 13, 2008 - SearchSOA.com
The prestige of the architect
- October 10, 2008 - SearchSOA.com
SOA and Enterprise Architecture
- October 8, 2008 - IBM
The Open Group IT Architect Certification Program
- October 6, 2008 - omputing SA
Making sense of change management
- October 6, 2008 - ebizQ
Is SOA Relevant During Tough Times? A Podcast with The Open Group
- September 26, 2008 - Mike Walker's Blog
ArchiMate - The Emerging Architecture Modeling Standard?
- September 26, 2008 - Mining Weekly
Initiative to set new enterprise architecture standards for the mining industry launched
- September 2008 - ebizQ
Panel Discussion: Avoiding SOA Disillusionment
- September 24, 2008 - CIO Update
The Architecture of Architecture, Part IV
- September 18, 2008 - SearchSOA.com
SOA Skills: Enterprise architects in demand, job researcher finds
- September 5, 2008 - CIO UK
Cracking IT vendor relations
- August 29, 2008 - SOA World
SOA Editorial: Blowing My Horn
- August 20, 2008 - Mike Walker’s Blog
Architect Role Taxonomy
- August 15, 2008 - SD Times
Guest View: The Rise of IT Specialists
- August 6, 2008 - ebizQ
Evolving Security Architectures and SOA for Better Business Collaboration
- August 6, 2008 - ZDNet: Service Oriented
Skilled in SOA, business, and tech: Where do we get such individuals?
- August 4, 2008 - ZDNet: BriefingsDirect (podcast and transcript)
SOA places broad demands on IT leadership beyond traditional enterprise architect role, says Open Group panel
(syndicated in BriefingsDirect, BriefingsDirect Transcripts, Dana Gardner's BriefingsDirect Blog, FindTech Blogs)
- August 4, 2008 - InfoWorld
Taking advantage of multicore PCs
- August, 2008 - CIO
SOA Standards Organizations
- July 28, 2008 - ZDNet
At Open Group: business and government face similar SOA growth pains
- July 25, 2008 - CIO: Advice & Opinion
Why You Need a Certified IT Specialist
- July 24, 2008 - SearchSOA.com
Architecture 101: Why SOA needs an enterprise focus
- July 24, 2008 - ebizQ
ebizQ Announces Upcoming Security Architectures and SOA Webinar
- July 21, 2008 - ebizQ
Does Good SOA Have to Mean Bad Security? A Talk With the Open Group
- July 8, 2008 - Compliance Week
Explaining IT Risks to Senior Management
- July 7, 2008 -CIOUpdate
The Evolution of the IT Specialist
- June 17, 2008 - Dark Reading
Open Group Unveils Initiative
- June 17, 2008 - CSO Online
Looking for Information Security Control in a Global Business Climate
- June 17, 2008 - Network World
Open Group's Security Forum devising risk-management "taxonomy"
- May, 2008 - DM Review
Today’s Imperative is Information-Centric Security
- May 12, 2008 - Mike Walker’s Ramblings about Industry Architecture
Enterprises are Embracing Architecture Certifications
- May 1, 2008 - CIO Update
The Architecture of Architecture, Part III
- DMTF Newsletter - May issue of Management Matters
Alliance Partner Feature: The Open Group
- March 31, 2008 - onStrategies
SOA Revisionism
- March 13, 2008 - ReadWriteWeb
The Internet Will End in 30 Years!
- March 13, 2008 - BetaNews
Sun joins IBM, HP in standards advocacy group
- February 27, 2008 - ebizQ Webinar
Roundtable:SOA Security - The Real Deal, or Much Ado About Nothing?
- Application Development Trends
SOA Governance: 'Not Much' Success, Panelists Say - by Lee Thé
- Volume 4, Issue 1 - Architecture & Governance
The Evolving Role of the Enterprise Architect
- February 5, 2008 - InfoWorld
JEOPARD spotted for leveraging multi-core chips - by Paul Krill
- February 5, 2008 - Datamonitor/ComputerWire
Open Group Takes Java Real Time with Jeopard by Jason Stamper
- January 31, 2008 - Semanticweb.com
Europe Leads in Semantic Web Research (Part 2)
- January 31, 2008 - Enterprise Open Source
Service Management and Enterprise Architecture
- February 5, 2008 - ITBusiness Edge
European Project Seeks to Leverage Multicore Chips by Susan Hall
- February 5, 2008 - Jax Magazine
Open Group to Develop New framework for Java Real Time with Jeopard
- February 5, 2008 - CIO Update
The Architecture of Architecture, Part II by Len Fehskens
- January 15, 2008 - CIO Update
The Architecture of Architecture, Part I by Len Fehskens
- January, 2008 - ebizQ
Podcast: What Makes a Certifiable IT Specialist?
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