Q. What is TOGAF 9.1?
A. TOGAF 9.1 is a maintenance update to TOGAF 9, containing a set of corrections to address comments raised since the introduction of TOGAF 9 in 2009. TOGAF 9.1 supersedes TOGAF 9.
Q. What is the main focus of the changes in the TOGAF 9.1 release?
A. The main focus has been on quality improvements to ensure consistent use of terminology.
Q. Where can I get a copy of TOGAF 9.1
A. It is available for online reading at
http://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/togaf9-doc/arch/ and available in The Open Group Bookstore at
http://www.opengroup.org/bookstore/catalog/g116.htm .
Q. Is there a detailed description of the changes between TOGAF 9 and TOGAF 9.1?
A. TOGAF 9 Technical Corrigendum number 1 (Document U112) is available providing a detailed description of the changes between TOGAF 9 and TOGAF 9.1. This is available at
http://www.opengroup.org/bookstore/catalog/u112.htm .
A white paper giving a summary of the changes is also
Q. What is the impact on TOGAF 9 certification?
A. The TOGAF 9 People Certification program has been designed to accommodate maintenance updates to the TOGAF 9 specification, such as TOGAF 9.1.
The certification remains as TOGAF 9 Foundation and TOGAF 9 Certified.
Individuals who are currently certified in the TOGAF 9 People Certification program remain certified.
- The conformance requirements for TOGAF 9 certification have been updated and became mandatory on June 1 2012. The revised set of conformance requirements are available as Document X111
http://www.opengroup.org/bookstore/catalog/x111.htm .
A separate document with a changes summary is available as Document X112
http://www.opengroup.org/bookstore/catalog/x112.htm .
- Up until June 1st 2012 candidates could study either to the original conformance requirements or the revised conformance requirements, and the examinations were designed to accommodate both up to June 2013 (this extended period allows for those candidates with exam vouchers who can take up to 12 months to take their examinations).
- The reference text provided with the Open Book examinations switched to TOGAF 9.1 on June 1 2012.
- Accredited TOGAF 9 Training Courses since June 1 2012 have to teach the revised conformance requirements for TOGAF 9.1.
From June 2013 the examinations can include new topic material from TOGAF 9.1.
Q. If I was certified before TOGAF 9.1 was published, do I need to recertify?
No, if you achieved TOGAF 9 certification to the earlier conformance requirements then you remain certified.
Q. If I am a TOGAF 9 Commercial Licensee do I need to take out a TOGAF 9.1 License?
A.Yes, all current licensees need to update their licenses to TOGAF 9.1 in order to
use the new materials.