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Reformatted Nov 6 2003
1. License Fees
The brand fees and royalties in this table are
controlled by and due under the terms and conditions of the Open Brand Trademark License Agreement (Jan 1998).
This document is an integral part of, and should be read in
conjunction, with Schedule 2 of the above agreement.
When signing the Agreement the Licensee must :
- Provide to The Open Group (X/Open Company Limited trading as
The Open Group) a statement of the Company Revenue from which the
Core Program Royalty buy-out is calculated.
- Notify The Open Group which of the Additional Programs the
Licensee is applying to join.
- Notify The Open Group of the applicable fee band for each
Additional Program (where appropriate).
Trademark License Agreement
(upon execution of the agreement)
2,500 |
Annual License Fee
(second and subsequent years)
1,000 |
Territory Special Registration Fee
(per territory)
2,200 |
The fee upon execution of the Trademark License Agreement and
the Annual License Fee are waived for members of The Open Group who only
have Identity Management Forum entitlement and VSLDAP test suite
licenses and current VSLDAP support contracts.
2. Product Registration Fees (Component
and Profile)
Registration fee per Product Standard
800 |
Annual renewal fee per Product Standard
400 |
Amendment fee per Product Standard
400 |
Application for Temporary Waiver
300 |
Discounts are applicable to the following:
All applicants: if the Product
Standard is registered at the same time as all the constituent Product
Standards, then the registration charge equivalent to one Product
Standard is waived.
Platinum Members: 50% discount for all
Product Standard registrations
The Open Brand for LDAP Program:
The Component and Profile Registration Fees are waived for members of
The Open Group who have Identity Management Forum entitlement and
VSLDAP test suite licenses and current VSLDAP support contracts
Type A Laboratories: when the test
report used to demonstrate conformance to the Product Standard has been
produced by a laboratory that satisfies The Open Group's Quality
Assurance criteria, the Product Standard registration fees will be
reduced by 50%.
Table 1: Royalty Buy-out
Revenue in Millions of Dollars
Annual Royalty Buy-out in
US Dollars
Less than 25
25 to 100
101 to 500
501 to 1,000
1,001 to 2,500
2,501 to 5,000
5,001 to 10,000
10,000 or more
4. Payments for Additional Programs
4.1 The UNIX Program
The right to use the UNIX Trademark requires the Licensee to pay to
The Open Group an additional annual fee, calculated in accordance with
the fee table set out below.
- For the first 36 months following the Licensee acquiring the
right to use the UNIX Trademark, all UNIX operating system products
based on any variant of UNIX source code that the Licensee has licensed
from any supplier plus any products that the Licensee claims to be
compliant with the UNIX Profile Definition will be counted for the
purpose of calculating annual shipments.
- From month 37 onwards only Registered Products and those that the
Licensee claims to be compliant with the UNIX Profile Definition,
excluding products registered by other Licensees, will be counted for
the purpose of calculating annual shipments.
- 90 days before the anniversary of acquiring the right to use the
UNIX Trademark the Licensee will notify The Open Group of the
applicable UNIX fee band set out in Table 2 below for the forthcoming
Within 90 days of the anniversary of acquiring the right to use the
UNIX Trademark the Licensee will notify The Open Group of the actual
applicable UNIX fee band set out in table 1 below for the previous
year. In the event of a discrepancy between the forecast and actual
applicable UNIX fee bands, the discrepancy will be rectified as soon as
practicable in the following year.
- For Licensees who ship software only and where the average
published product price, exclusive of add-ons, is less than $1,500, the
fee is 50% of amount shown in Table 2.
- UNIX Trademark fees are payable in advance on the date of
applying to join the UNIX program and annually on each anniversary
Table 2: Fees for UNIX Trademark
Annual Shipments (Units)
Annual Fee (US$)
Up to 1,000
1,000 to 30,000
more than 30,000
4.2 The Open Brand for LDAP Program
Annual Company Revenue |
<$50M |
>$50M |
Per Annum |
$10,000 |
$30,000 |
These fees are waived for members of The Open Group who have
Identity Management Forum entitlement and VSLDAP test suite licenses
and current VSLDAP support contracts.
4.3 The Open Brand for CORBA Program
Annual revenue |
<$25M |
>$25Million |
Per annum |
$15K |
$30K |
[Gives rights to register unlimited number of
products in Open Brand for CORBA program and membership in the Open
Brand for CORBA
Steering Group]
Package Price
Annual revenue |
<$25M |
>$25Million |
Per annum |
$20K |
$35K |
[Includes price to register five products and test report audits in
Open Brand for CORBA program and membership in the Open Brand for CORBA
Steering Group]
Test Suite Audit Fee |
$1000 per test report audited |
[A maximum of five test suite audits is anticipated to cover all
platform, operating system and compiler combinations.]
Registration Fees |
$800 per product annually |
[Registration fees are per product name. The vendor specifies which
platform, operating system and compiler options are supported under the
single product name.]
4.4 Internet server
Annual revenue |
<$25M |
$25-$100M |
>$100M |
$15K |
$20K |
$30K |
Members of the Core Program will be able to register products to the
Product Standard for the registration fee only.
4.5 Interoperability Assurance Program
Conciliation fee |
$5,000 |
Extended Conciliation fee |
$2,500 |
The core Program consists of the following standards.
- Base
- Base 95
- Common Desktop Environment
- XPG3: Internationalised System Calls and Libraries
- Internationalised System Calls and Libraries
- Internationalised System Calls and Libraries Extended
- Internationalised System Calls and Libraries Extended V2
- Internationalised System Calls and Libraries Extended V3
- XPG3: Commands and Utilities
- Commands and Utilities
- Commands and Utilities V2
- Commands and Utilities V3
- Commands and Utilities V4
- XPG3: C Language
- C Language
- C Language V2
- XPG3: COBOL Language
- COBOL Language
- XPG3: Pascal Language
- Pascal Language
- XPG3: FORTRAN Language
- FORTRAN Language
- XPG3: Ada Language
- Ada Language
- XPG3: Inter-Process Communication
- Relational Database
- Calendering and Scheduling API
- X Window System Display
- X Window System Application Interface
- X Window System Application Interface V2
- Motif™ Toolkit
- XPG3: Terminal Interfaces
- Software Administration
- Terminal Interfaces
- Internationalised Terminal Interfaces
- XPG3: Window Management (Xlib)
- X.400 Gateway
- X.400 Message Access
- Directory Access
- Network File System
- Sockets
- Sockets V2
- Transport Service (XTI)
- Transport Service (XTI) V2
- XPG3: Transport Interface
- (PC)NFS Server
- LMX Server
- XPG3: PC Interworking
- Magnetic Media
- XPG3: Source Code Transfer
Additional Programs
- Security
- Internet Server
- Multi-Purpose Real-time Operating System